
New Members

New members shall be anyone who shares an interest in the missions and purposes of the Madison Garden Club. Potential members are welcome to visit during our monthly club meeting. After attending two (2) meetings, new members will be voted on by the club members thereby constituting membership. New members are formally recognized at our annual Installation dinner/meeting in January.

Member Responsibilities

Members must be responsible to participate in Club duties as follows:

1. Attend all meetings except when ill or out of the area.

2. Host/Hostess providing refreshments for meetings.

3. Actively support fund-raisers, but especially give of your time and talents for the Home and Garden Tour (every even year), and Plant Sale(every odd year). Ways and Means occasionally offer smaller fundraisers.

4. Willingness to Chair Committees, serve on Executive Board, submit briefs for Garden Clubs of Ohio Awards, or generally get involved at monthly meetings as well as support our community activities when asked.

5. Always give notice to President if you are unable to attend meetings or will be out of area for an extended period of time

6. Members who have an emergency or change in their circumstances, may switch to “Friends of MGC” by informing the President or Membership Chair in writing. The President will read all correspondence to Membership.

7. Annual Dues for Members is $20. ($15 to Club treasury, $5.00 to GCO)

The Madison Garden Club welcomes all individuals regardless of age, race, creed, religion, gender/non-gender, LGBTQ+ affiliation, national origin or employment status